Библиотека им. М.Горького








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«По следам Горького»


Terms of Use

flag Ruflag En

Terms of Use
the state institution of culture of the Lugansk People's Republic «in Luhansk Republican universal scientific library of M. Gorky»

Table of contents:

1. General provisions.

2. The order of register in the library.

3. Servicing arrangements of library users.

4. Usage patterns of lending documents.

5. Rights and obligations of users.

6. Rights and obligations of the library to service users.

7. Права и обязанности читателей и библиотеки на период чрезвычайной санитарно-эпидемической ситуации.



The state institution of culture of the Lugansk People's Republic "in Luhansk Republican universal scientific library of M. Gorky" (hereinafter – the Library, or LRUSL of Gorky) is a leading public, cultural, educational, scientific, informational agency with an organized fund of replicated documents that ensure the rights of citizens on library services and access to information resources.

1.1. These terms of use LRUSL of Gorky (hereinafter – Rules) are developed in accordance with: the Constitution of the Lugansk People's Republic (hereafter LPR), Laws of LPR "The Law on Culture" (2015), "The Law on Libraries and librarianship" (2015), Labor code LPR (2015), the Charter of the Libraries (2020), Rules of professional ethics and business conduct librarians LPR (2018), Rules of internal labor regulations LRUSL of M. Gorky (2015), the Model regulations on the use of libraries LPR (Order of the Ministry of culture, sports and youth of the LPR from 13.07.2018, № 562), the Regulation on the Ministry of culture, sports and youth LPR (Resolution of the Government of the LPR 17.09.2019 № 593/19), by the decree of the Head of the LPR from 13.03.2020 № UG-160/20 "The Law on the introduction of the regime of heightened readiness ", the Order of the Ministry of culture, sports and youth of the LC from 23.03.2020 № 14 "The Law on activities of agencies under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of culture, sports and youth Affairs of the Lugansk People's Republic under the regime of heightened readiness".

1.2. The Rules are the main document regulating the relationship between LRUSL of Gorky and its users, establish the procedure for servicing users in the structural divisions of the Library, determine the rights and obligations of users and employees of the institution; they are mandatory.

1.3. These Rules become valid from the moment of their approval. Changes and additions to the Rules are made in accordance with the established procedure by the decision of the administration LRUSL of Gorky.

1.4. Citizens of the Republic, regardless of gender, age, nationality, social status, political and religious beliefs, place of residence, as well as legal entities - enterprises, institutions, organizations - have the right to library services in the Library.

1.5. Foreign citizens and stateless persons who are legally in the LPR enjoy the same rights to library services as citizens of the Republic. In the absence of registration at the place of residence in the LPR, the citizens serve in the "reading room mode".

1.6. Library services for legal entities are provided on the basis of relevant treaties.

1.7. The library is open to users from 9.00 to 18.00, on Saturday and Sunday - from 9.00 to 17.00. The day off is Friday. Sanitary day - the last Thursday of the month.

1.8. During the period from June 1 to August 31, the Library is open according to the summer schedule: from 8.00 to 17.00. Days off-Friday, Sunday.

1.9. Information about the working hours of the Library is posted at the entrance to the Library and on the official website www.lib-lg.com.



2.1. To obtain the right to use the information and library services of the institution, a citizen must register in the Library. Users are registered in the Library in the Registration and Control Section.

2.2. To register in the Library, a citizen must present any identity document (passport, service card), as well as provide information for entering into the registration database of users and filling out the reader's form, pay the cost of registration documents in the amount established by the Library. The user must confirm the obligation to follow the Rules, previously acquainted with them, and give consent to the processing of personal data in the electronic database of the library users, in accordance with Section II about the order of the records in the library of the Model regulations on the use of libraries Luhansk people's Republic, approved by the Order of ΜSCY LPR on July 13, 2018 No. 562 and registered in the Ministry of justice of the People's Republic of Lugansk 07.08.2018 No. 294/1938.

2.3. The information provided during the registration of a citizen is confidential and is used only in cases stipulated by the current legislation.

2.4. By signing the registration forms, the user also agrees to the processing of their personal data necessary to ensure the safety of the Library's collection. The user has the right to withdraw his consent to the processing of personal data, in this case, the processing of personal data will be terminated, and within three working days from the date of receipt of the revocation, the personal data will be destroyed.

2.5. The main document granting the right to use lending department, reading rooms, reference and bibliographic equipment and Library funds is the reader's card. Each reader is given a permanent or guest reader's card when writing. Permanent reader card are subject to mandatory annual re-registration, upon presentation of a passport. Registration in the Library, issuance and renewal of library tickets in absentia is not carried out. The library card gives the right only to personal use of the Library's funds and cannot be transferred to another person.

2.6. Library users are issued library cards:


  • the permanent reader's ticket is valid indefinitely, but requires annual re-registration;
  • at the beginning of each calendar year, the Library user must re-register their library card by submitting it to an employee of the Accounting and Control Sector. The service for issuing a plastic library card and re-registering is paid, the cost of which is determined by the Library.


  • visitors and participants of mass events in the Library (exhibitions, presentations, conferences, round tables) are issued a special guest ticket for one visit to the Library, which also gives the right to get acquainted with its resources and services.

2.7. In case of loss of the reader's card, the user must submit an application for the issuance of a duplicate, reimburse the cost of issuing the card in the amount corresponding to the cost of its production, and receive a duplicate of the reader's card.



The service of users (readers) in the library are carried out through the system of reading rooms, the city lending department, and remotely: through the official website, Interlending and document supply.

3.1. The rules for servicing the reading rooms of the LRUSL of Gorky provide for:

  • the presence of a library card (permanent or guest), which entitles users to service in the reading rooms of the Library;
  • compliance with the rules of conduct in the Library service area, which requires:

- to hand over to the wardrobe outer clothing, bags (exceeding 20x30 cm), bags, backpacks, handbag, other large items, documents on traditional and electronic carriers that don’t belong to the Library (except for personal valuables);
- Present the library card to the librarian at the information desk (II and III floors);

  • In case of a temporary exit from the Library, the user must notify the librarian of the information and reference point about returning during the day.

3.2. The use of specialized departments: rare and valuable editions, lending, electronic resources, literature in foreign languages, art literature, Interlending and document supply, shall be governed by the Rules, Regulations and Instructions of these departments.

3.3. Usage patterns of electronic information resources is governed by the Rules for the Use of Electronic Resources by State Institution of Culture of LPR «LRUSL of Gorky», which are reviewed and approved by the Director of the Library annually.

3.4. Usage patterns or rare and valuable books Sector.

3.4.1. The right to use documents in the Rare and Valuable Books Sector is granted to users holding a permanent library card.

3.4.2. Ancient, rare and valuable documents are only available in the reading room of the Sector.



4.1. The right to use the documents in the lending department is granted to users who have a permanent library card.

4.2. At the first visit, based on the information entered in the user registration database, the user form is filled in, in which the number of the reader's card is entered. The user's signature on the form indicates that he has familiarized himself with the terms of use of the lending and agrees to comply with them.

4.3. Once a user is issued with no more than 5 documents for a period of 30 days and books of high demand for a period of 15 days. The user certifies the receipt of the documents with his signature in the reader's form.

4.4. The reader has the right to extend the period of use of documents (not more than two times) if these books are not in demand by other readers.



5.1. Library users have the right to:

In accordance with the main tasks defined by the laws of LPR "On Culture", "On Libraries and Libraries", as well as the main tasks defined by the Charter of the LRUSL of Gorky, users have the right to:

  • library service through a subscription, with the issuance of books at home;
  • receive information on the composition of the library fund through a system of catalogs and card files and other forms of reference services;
  • service through the system of interlibrary loan and electronic delivery of documents;
  • receive free advice in the search and selection of sources of information, in accordance with their needs and interests;
  • get access to:

- documentary resources of the library, incl. collection of rare and valuable publications;
- reference and retrieval apparatus of the library, own and remote databases;
- Internet resources, the official website of the library;

  • participate in all library activities for users;
  • receive tieflow services (for visually impaired users);
  • use modern reading devices (kindle, iPad, etc.) in the reading rooms of the library;
  • learn computer and Internet literacy at the Regional Training Center;
  • participate in the work of speaking clubs for the study of foreign languages;
  • use their own portable electronic devices, provided that the sound signals are turned off, and without being connected to the Library's electrical networks;
  • a polite and competent service;
  • users can bring documents in traditional and electronic carriers that do not belong to the Library into the service areas, in agreement with the librarians;
  • use a mobile phone, provided that no sound signals are used in the reading rooms of the Library;
  • use all types of free services offered by the library, including additional ones, in accordance with the List of paid services provided by state institutions in the sphere of culture and youth of the Lugansk People's Republic, (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Lugansk People's Republic of 02.02.2016 No. 55), as well as on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of the LPR "On approval of the cost of paid services provided by the state cultural institution of the Lugansk People's Republic" Lugansk Republican Universal Scientific Library named after M. Gorky "dated 03.23.2020, No. 187;

5.2. Library users are required to:

  • Know and comply with the Library Rules;
  • Provide reliable information about yourself when registering in the Library, report changes in this data during re-registration. If you change your place of residence within a month, inform the Library about your new address;
  • Take care of the library fund, databases, library premises, computer equipment and computer peripherals (keyboards, mice, headphones, microphones, webcams), other property that is on the balance sheet of the Library;
  • In case of damage or damage to documents, office equipment and other library property - to carry out their repair at their own expense. If the damaged document or computer peripherals cannot be repaired, the user must replace them with equivalent analogs or copies;
  • Upon receiving Wi-Fi services, the user must return the library card to the librarian of the service area;
  • Return the library documents received for work in the reading rooms to the lending department no later than 10 minutes in advance. before the end of the working day of the Library;
  • Return to the librarian on duty the documents that are in the public domain in the reading rooms of the Library, upon completion of work with them.

5.3. Library users are prohibited from:

  • Transfer your own library card or documents received on your library card to other persons;
  • Contribute to the Library's service areas:

- bags (the size of which exceeds 20x30 cm);
- briefcases, packages, rucksacks, travel bags, other bulky items;

  • Withdraw cards from catalogs and file cabinets, make notes on them;
  • Carry out any actions that can lead to a violation of the integrity of library documents, spoil or change their appearance (underline texts and make any marks in the received documents, put pencils, pens in them, etc.;
  • copy blueprints and drawings through a carbon copy, tear out and fold pages);
  • To take out documents from the open access fund from the reading rooms without proper registration by the librarian on duty;
  • In any way, interfere with the work of users and library staff or pose a threat to their life and safety;
  • Trade, preach, distribute flyers, promotional items and other similar activities;
  • Enter office premises, use office telephones;
  • When using computers in the Library:

- damage or modify customized computer hardware or software;
- connect other peripheral equipment to computers and take other actions that may harm library technology;
- use a computer for needs not related to information retrieval;

  • Make photo / film / video filming without the appropriate permission of the library administration;
  • Do not enter the Library with animals;
  • View information from prohibited sites (extremist, pornographic materials, as well as propagandizing violence, ethnic, religious strife).

5.4. It is strictly prohibited:

  • Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages in the premises of the Library;
  • Take out documents from the Library, except for those borrowed from the City Loan Department, and drawn up accordingly;
  • Be rude, use profanity and rudely communicate with the staff of the institution, create conflict situations, interfere with the work of other users and departments of the library;
  • Bring to the Library alcoholic beverages, narcotic, explosive, poisonous and flammable substances, as well as other dangerous items and substances that can harm the health of the Library employees, visitors, stored material and cultural values.

Persons with a clearly expressed state of alcoholic and drug intoxication and in a careless manner are not allowed to the Library.



6.1. The library has the right to:

6.1.1. Develop the Rules for the use of the library, make changes and additions to them and determine the mode of service for users;

6.1.2. Determine the conditions for the use of their funds, which are part of the cultural heritage of the Lugansk People's Republic and are under a special regime of protection, storage and use;

6.1.3. Establish restrictions on the use of documents of particular historical value or deteriorated physical condition;

6.1.4. establish benefits for certain categories of users;

6.1.5. determine the types and amounts of compensation for damage caused by users, incl. for damage to library property;

6.1.6. Establish a list of services provided, including paid ones;

6.1.7. grant permission to:

  • institutions, enterprises and organizations - to place information and advertising materials in the premises of the Library;
  • mass media - for photo, TV and video filming;

6.1.8. not to serve users who violate or do not comply with the Library Rules, maliciously violate the norms of social behavior in the Library;

6.1.9. submit to the court materials about the harm and material damage caused to the Library, for the user to bear material, criminal and other liability, in accordance with the current legislation.

6.2. The library must:

6.2.1. create comfortable conditions for ensuring the right of users to free access to information:

  • promptly and in time inform users about all types of services provided by the Library, incl. and paid;
  • to take care of improving the culture of user service;

6.2.2. ensure control over the timely return to the Library of documents provided for temporary use;

6.2.3. to study and take into account readers' requests in the formation of documentary and electronic resources, the organization of socio-cultural activities;

6.2.4. comply with the user service regime, in case of changes, promptly notify users about them;

6.2.5. ensure the publicity of its activities.


Contact information

291011 LPR,
78, Sovetskaya st, Lugansk

[email protected]

Site map

Work schedule

Monday-Thursday from 9.00 to 18.00

Day off - Friday

Saturday-Sunday from 9.00 to 17.00

Cleaning day - last Thursday of the month

On our website and in social networks 24/7


Индекс цитирования
